Category Archives: Nanny Notes

Raising Pride.

I’m back. Last Wednesday I sat among some of the best ministry partners I’ve ever been so blessed to have.  He’s one: We sat around a table I familiarly knew over hours of planning, praying, laughing, worshipping, growing, and CPC-ing.  This Wednesday, I hugged the students we once held as children.  I smiled over greatness...

hold on.

beep.  beep.  beep.  beep.  that’s the sound of a 5:30 a.m. alarm that screams, “get up!  get ready.  you have three kiddos to love.  you have cereal spills to wipe, first grade words to read, hair to braid, butts to wipe, play-doh to tangle in your hair.  giggles to make your heart weep a few...

let's behold


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