For the love of family.

Let me start this one saying, for the love of lizards and other creepy things, why OH WHY is it that every time I try and sit down to write, something interferes, stoping me from posting what I like to believe is wonderful- so freaking wonderful.  I was half-way done with this goodness post and shoot. …there it goes!

Take two:

I stole this.  Don’t ask from who, but does it really matter?  The message is what REALLY matters.



THIS message is one that I don’t expect for everyone to get.  It’s just one that I really hope EVERYONE “gets.”  ..someday at least.

I’ve been a part of this “wonderful family” for five and a half years now.  I’ve been there through four pastors, almost one entire youth group, and even through real life miracles.  I’ve been there through their hard times and challenges, and then I’ve run away through mine.  …and then I came back.

Because I like coming back.  I like the feelings I get when my kids run as fast as they can to wrap their arms around me and say, “hey.” that’s all, as if they used all their energy for running up to me they can’t spare a few more words than, “hey.”  It’s okay though, their hugs say it all.  Oh my kids.

I like coming back to my mama’s.  The mama’s that giggled with me through rock bottom memories and youth group embarrassments.  The mama’s that take me out for lunch because I’m a struggling college student.  The mama’s that let me tag along on their family vacations… the mama’s that let me play silly jokes on them… here’s one.  tape a piece of paper to the bottom of someone’s computer mouse.  It will get them every time.  EVERY. TIME.  Oh my Mama’s.

I like coming back to the Papa’s too.  The ones that sit *almost* next to me during worship and reach over and tap me on the shoulder to see if they can get me.  Guess what, you almost did.  Or the Papa’s that ask how school is going.  You’re sweet.  The Papa’s that give me bear hugs and tell me I look pretty.  You’re good Papa’s you with that love for me.

And then there’s the friends.  The one’s who let me share the first intimate moments with them to welcome in new life.  I’ve done that twice this month– and I have to be honest, it makes me want my own *new life*.  You friends that let me love yours deep into my soul, you let me welcome them into our “family” this one of hope, support, guidance, love…. you make this family real.

I come back for the memories.  Like when my Noah told me I smelt bad(ly).  Or when I got the cafeteria to sing happy birthday to the K-Man on his first mission trip.  How about this one: when the TV fell on Rachel’s head and killed her toe nail.  AND THIS: worst message ever- when I shared a timeline of my life to show how God works… Or when Pam and Cathy and I met the old man taxi driver at that conference in Chicago.  Or even the serious ones with gunshots outside our windows, children suffering, parents weeping, lives changing…

These memories carry.  They carry deeper than the ones that we’re born into and they carry farther than the ones that haven’t met Unity.  Because this unity is a special thing.  I want to preface saying, I love my family.  Like, I really love them.  But I LOVE my church family.  Not more, not “better,” just them.  I LOVE THEM.

Saw this too, so I’m stealing it as well.

Family isn’t always blood.  It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are.  The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.”

And when you see them “get it” you “get it” that much more.

I told you I’d tell you about my time reentering the ministry at CPC.  The time is now.


In case you didn’t know, I DO know how to use a hammer.  I know how to build wall frames and use a table saw too.  And I know how to freeze my bo-hank-ass off (despite wearing seven layers) at the same time.  Friends, that takes skill.

I know how to love some good kids young adults.  That’s what they are now.  But I’d just like to say, the were in high school when I first met them… This May, I was invited to join one of my church Mama’s and some other awesome folk to go to Garrett County Maryland for the CPC Post-High School Mission Trip aka long Habitat days….that were cold…right, we actually had snow the first day on the site.


AND then… we’d finish with warm and fuzzy food.  No pictures of that, but it. was. good.  We’d hang out, talk life, do these things called “snap chats…” Yes, ladies, you won, I am now a “snapper chatter.”  But we’d end with my favorite part.  Me being me.

And we’d sit in a circle holding our Bibles.  We’d read His blessed Word.  We’d talk His blessed messages.  And we’d relate these blessed lives.  And yeah, I was me.  I was me watching them nod, hearing them listen (yes, that is possible), praising their gloriousness that has brought them to this “abundant life.”

I’ve always had themes for the summers.  Then again they were always led by ministry.  This year doesn’t necessarily have to be any different.  So may 2013 be about ABUNDANT LIFE.  LIFE that so preciously refocuses on relationships.

Like these:


and these:


ps. look who’s tallest. LOL it was worth a shot, I’m actually well aware of the obvious.

OH!  And while there, I got to drive the church van.. finally.  and they *claimed* they were scared for their lives.  We were on our way for ICE CREAM, HELLO!

IMG_2299but friends.  This life is rewarding.  My family, you are my rewards.

and this life, it’s pretty damn abundant.

I came back and I watched my boy publicly share his faith (and cried some precious tears of pride).


and then we rejoiced in witnessing fruit…it’s some pretty lovely fruit.  These two- LOVE THEM!292070_10151446512792285_1841764156_n

and then, AND THEN… abundance begins all over again.  In a couple of ways.



I’m actually crazy in love with my church family.  I love how we’ve chosen each other.  I love how we embrace each other.  I love how we grow each other.  And I especially love how we grow each others.  Love mine.  You loved them a lot, just like you’ve loved me.  And the abundance lives on.


I’m coming back this fall.  To live and love with yours.  You can take that however you want to…but I think you have an idea of what that means.  I’m doing my thing starting back this fall.  Me being me… and I. CAN’T. WAIT.

This is the family I’ve chosen.  My home.  For the rest of my life, my abundant life, you’re mine and I’m yours.  And for you smarty pants… *thoughts residing with these eyes glaring*

Oh for the love of family, just *get it* because this family is oh too good NOT to enjoy.

let's behold


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