Insist on Yourself

There’s one thing that keeps running though my head right now, it has been all week.  A quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Insist on yourself.  Never imitate.”  <I’d like to add this: with each post I make, I review my past couple.  I noticed I’ve been starting each one with “I.”  and then there’s this post about “ME”>  Truth is, sometimes your really do need to insist on yourself.

I like to say that one of God’s greatest gifts to me is my twenties and I believe that so very much!  My mom hated her twenties.  I LOVE my twenties.  When I turned twenty, I’d already accomplished one of my greatest achievements, a Bachelor of Science.  21–it was a little harder.  22–well….actually….I can’t really remember it, I think it was the year I let myself start dating again.  23–my kids decorated by bunk at camp (I accepted myself…still a struggle, but I’m moving forward).  24–a surprise party, a night with some of the greatest role models (the Craigans), and a bucket list.

  1. Run a 1/2 Marathon
  2. Move out of mom & dad’s
  3. Perfect driving a stick shift
  4. Don’t fight falling in love
  5. Go to a hockey game
  6. Be bold at just the right time.

Truth.  THERE IS NO IMITATING HERE!  In less that 4 months I will be 25, a quarter century.  It’s not scary, it’s exciting.  I have 6 goals.  6.  3 I added since I last mentioned the bucket list.  I’m glad I did.  Though, I have no desire to add any more.

Progress Report.

1. Run a 1/2 Marathon::CHECK THIS OUT!!!  Today, I ran a 1/2 marathon!  I’m still in shock that I actually ran 13.1 miles! My body is TORN UP…but damn do I feel GREAT!  There were times I laughed, times I cried, and times that I was really REALLY proud of myself.  With each mile I would pray.  I started with the Craigans–they got me started running three years ago (the first time I set the goal of running a 1/2).  Then, I prayed for me.  I had to “insist on myself…” and the thought of my knee failing on me scared me to death.  Then, Laura P., Jenn, Dan, Jenn, my mom and dad, James, and Marisa.  They were my support on one of the biggest days of my life.  I know there will be bigger days, my wedding, my children, their milestones, but this one was MINE, alllll MINE!  I can say that I’ve never been more proud of myself than I did today (well, graduating college was right up there too). “Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” -Napoleon Hill


2. Move out of mom & dad’s::April 1, 2011, I officially became a Centrevillian… I like the villan part 😉  I’m still getting used to it.  I look around and wonder why I did this to myself, I was saving so much money…then I smile, I’ve got this!  Another gift of God for my twenties…and I LOVE THIS ONE!

3. Perfect driving a stick shift::Mmmm….I should probably get on that one….

4. Don’t fight falling in love::I’m there baby!  For five years I’ve been keeping a journal, praying for you.  The past few months, I’ve been reading through the letters and prayers I’ve written to you and for you.  I can’t wait to show them to you.  To give you a full and recovered heart.  It’s exciting, it’s compelling, so invigorating waiting on you.  But I like it.  There’s the song by NSYNC, “I need love” totally 1998-ish.  “All I want to do is give it a chance, everybody needs a true romance.  I would give anything to be with you…”  This is good.  I’m happy where I’m at with this.  And really, I still look at singleness as a beautiful gift, REALLY.

5.  Go to a hockey game::Justin!!  He has no idea at all that this was on the bucket list, or maybe he does, but hey– Thanks for having a birthday, for your parents giving you hockey tickets, and for choosing me to go with you.  They may have lost 6-0 but the experience was quintessential, really!


6. Be bold at just the right time::It’s coming, I can feel it.  In all honesty, It’s most definitely not all about me, it’s about Your work in me and through me.  I want to be bold for You and because of You.

let's behold


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