7. Miles. DONE.

via Instagram http://ift.tt/1bRcD3Z
My training has days when it goes superbly wonderful, days when it’s painful, days when it’s the last thing I want to do, days when it’s a fight.  and then it has days like these.  Dreary and somber like the sky when the glory is begging to find a way through the roughness…
I like to think that through each step I’m focusing deeper on something, anything, to give the run purpose.  So with 7 miles of steps, I waited.  and I focused.  And I prayed really, really hard that I. can. do. this!
My body hurts.  Like really hurts.  And my knee is in so much pain that I actually had Tim look at it…JUST to tell me to lay off of the running until the knee pain has subsided.  but I can’t help it because the purpose of this whole thing is that “I. Can. Do. This.”
I can.  But I think I need to change the purpose to, I. Will.
I made it past the half way mark.  And as I log the miles, I’m losing weight (finally).  And it feels so mighty good.  It’s the glory breaking through saying “this is for you.”
I’ve always said there’s something so therapeutic about running.  This training time around though, I’m finding that loving myself is the greatest part.  I told my mom a couple nights ago, I’m the best me I have ever been….knee pain and all.
let's behold


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