
I don’t have a lot to say right now…but I did need to hop online to share THIS!

I’m knocking these goals out of the park.  Let me reveal to you another HUGE accomplishment (aside from starting my own business and all…).  I FINALLY got my guitar restrung.  Can I just say, oh my WORD, I’m so surprised at how easily my talent (or lack-there-of) has come back to me.  Umm, and HELLLLOOOO finger calluses.  I certainly did not miss those, or the fact that getting manicures will now be a TOTAL waste of money.  shoot.  But let me tell you what I did miss.

I missed strumming the six strings.  I missed sounding horrible but knowing that God smiles because to Him it’s a symphony that’s all for Him.  I miss hearing what each string speaks to me because believe it or not, they do.  And today, this is what they said.

e- empathize.  It’s one of my gifts.  I think it comes with the passion.  One of my cousins once told me that when I find my passion again I’ll dive into it head first.  Because when I am filled with passion especially when it comes to others, I lose myself in who God has made them to be.  But some of my best friends have also told me it’s my biggest weakness, that I take on to much.  To tell you the truth though, I’m glad that when I empathize, I’m seeing life, lives through God’s eyes in an uncontrollable, intense love.

b- behold.  SIT, WATCH, WAIT.  He’s present in the moment.  The best part is, when I play, He doesn’t walk away, instead He lingers to hear the ballad.  And when I sing, He becomes more real in my heart, as though He is physically bursting out of it.  Oh wait, no, that’s just His love.

g- grateful, be grateful.  God has me here, because He wants me here.  He wants to see me “play” with what He’s brought upon me because in this moment, I can only move forward.  He’s growing me here… I’m grateful that I’ve made the choice to embrace it (jobless and all…have I mentioned the shopping withdrawals yet?  That’ll be in another post).

d- denial.  Not of where I am, but of who I am.  I’m denying myself and picking up the cross.

Then he told them what they could expect for themselves: “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’s seat – I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. (Jesus to His followers)

–Luke 9:23-24, The Message

a- adore assurance.  How could I not adore a God who gave His life up for me so that I could be assured that I’ll live into eternity (WITH HIM!)?  enough said.  boom!

e- eternal.  I realized a couple of weeks ago that my eternal perspective of life has faded.  How can I be so assured of my eternity, yet when it comes to the present, this life, this current state, the one I’m living five minutes ago and five minutes from now, I’m doubting, kind of??  makes no sense.

but this does.  Strumming my guitar and singing at the top of my lungs (so that my above me neighbors can stomp on the floor…literally).

I lay me dow, I lay me down

I belong to You alone

lay me down, lay me down

Hand on my heart this much is true

There’s no life apart from you

lay me down.  lay me down.

Letting go of my pride, giving up all my rights

Take this life and let it shine.  Take this life and let it shine!

-“Lay Me Down” Chris Tomlin & Matt Redman

let's behold


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