Category Archives: butterflies

“Cling to me, and I will be forever…”

I feel like writing.  I feel like writing for weeks and weeks.  I feel like I have months and months to record– of love and aches and perseverance and pride and fear and friendship and support and oh so much more. I feel like writing because it’s me.  And I feel like writing with no...

You are Loved.

Two nights ago, my insecurities won.  I think I sunk to a new low that had me tossing and turning until 9am when I was tired and weary through a self-hate and guilt; easily the most unrestful hours I’ve faced for a very long time.  I found myself reverting into what I know is wrong–what...

Oh Beloved.

Oh Beloved, I can’t think of a time that I ever wanted to “settle down.”  I mean, EVER.  And if you ask some of my closest friends–they’d be most surprised to hear you say that maybe I do…  they’re the ones who claim I’ll date for years, be engaged for longer, and have kids…maybe never....

let's behold


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