Category Archives: Infertility


Guys, woah! March- we’ve left our little space here, alone, since MARCH!?  And I’ve had conversations this week that have been so gracious and mindful…and also emphasizing the giant network and support that we’re so, so BLESSED with… and so we’re back. It’s hard to follow our last post… did I say “ours?”  Oops… clearly...

Infertility Sucks by Trey

Hey Everyone!  For those who don’t know me I am Nicole’s husband, Trey. Well, I mean if you don’t already know me outside of Nicole’s beautiful words or pictures.  Nicole mentioned it might be a good idea for me to write about our journey and share it from a man’s perspective, especially since very rarely will...

The Hopeful and Faithful Happily Ever Bresslers: An Update

Hi and LOVE and HUGS from the Happily Ever Bresslers. We’ve gone back and forth in deciding what to share here concerning our infertility and the short journey of adoption.  But before I get into all that we’re still happy… and that is so important to say.  We’re more in love today than we were...

let's behold


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