Category Archives: marriage

That first year JOY

Do y’all have Timehop?  You know, that app that examines every post and photo that you’ve ever saved or posted on every social network and your phone for the life of your 21st century technological existence?  It’s kind of similar to “on this day” that Facebook loves to throw out there… This week has been...

His commitment

That moment when you realize that being 13 days away from your 30th birthday is actually 13 days past your 65th because you AND your husband just fell asleep in one of the most action filled movies today. *lowers head and shakes with shame* — There’s this movement on facebook right now, the “Love Your...

dive in

I often wonder what Trey thinks whenever I start a new project.  I think part of that is the lessons we both get {probably daily} in marriage.  The new things–do you keep learning even 25 years later?  I like learning about him, the special look he has when I talk to him when he’s trying to...

let's behold


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