Search Results for: trey


It occurred to me last night, Hannah in Trey’s lap with the roar of a NCAA game in the background, and Elsie and her sweet milk smeared mouth in mine that our girls are six weeks “old” ..and here I am, the photographer mom who dreamt of the day I’d fall into that category of...

South Dakota, my home.

My mother-in-law and I have the most special relationship… I think it’s because my husband is a proud mama’s boy… I’m proud too, and it’s led us to embrace this “special relationship” full of two very strong personalities that would do absolutely anything for our man.  Anything… including a special trip to South Dakota. It...

10 IVF questions you wanted to ask but never did

My friend came over on Wednesday and we joked about pregnancy–how some have it so “easy” while others have it “not so easy.”  I’m probably somewhere in between considering everything we went through to “get pregnant.”  A couple of months ago, she reminded me about that time I said “I wish pregnant women didn’t complain...
